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Here are some of our frequently asked questions; please click the arrow on the right to reveal the answers:

  • Who is KLDC Sixth aimed at?
    KLDC Sixth is for anyone who wants to pursue further training and ultimately a career in the Performing Arts industry. If your aim is to go to dance or drama college or study a Dance, Drama or Performing Arts Degree at University, KLDC Sixth is for you. For 16-19 year olds, by combining the study of a Performing Arts Diploma (to give you UCAS points) with Foundation-Level vocational training, we will equip you for your future. 18-23 year olds can study the Foundation in Musical Theare as a 1-year course on its own. We will advise you on your career path, work with you to ensure that you are applying for the most suitable colleges for you and support you through the audition and entry process to give you every chance of getting into your college of choice.
  • What are the entry requirements?
    Entry is based on a successful audition. While GCSE grades are important, our main focus will be whether you are a good fit for us and that you are prepared to put in lots of hard work. While GCSE grades are a factor, we will not turn anyone away who has been offered a place because they did not do as well as expected in their GCSE’s. If you are not successful in gaining the GCSE results that you were expecting, we will work with you to ensure that we put the necessary academic support in place for you. Our Head of Learning Development has a great deal of experience and expertise in supporting students and our teaching staff will ensure that all reasonable adjustments are put in place to ensure that you are able to access the curriculum and thrive. If you have not attained a Grade 4 in Maths and/or English Language, we will support you in your continual study of these subjects as these are gateway subjects that you may need.
  • What is Foundation-Level training?
    Foundation level training is the vocational training year that many have to undertake after completing their traditional Sixth Form studies. Year 14 students undertake a Foundation year to get their level of dance, acting or singing to the standard required to gain access into dance or drama college. Completing A-Levels in Drama, Dance or Performing Arts provide so many benefits, however, these courses often do not adequately train you to get you to the level required for college admission or prepare you for the competitiveness of the industry. At KLDC Sixth, we are combining the traditional Sixth Form route of the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Performing Arts with Foundation level vocational training in dance, acting, singing and musical theatre. This means that we are not only supporting you to gain a qualification but are also preparing you for your next steps. Older students can receive our Foundation training on its own.
  • I am nervous about the audition. I am only good at one thing - dance or acting or singing.
    Please don’t worry. We would expect most applicants to only be good in one area, either dance or acting or singing. The reason we ask for you to audition in all areas is because this is the reality of what you will need to do to get into college or at an audition. For example, the first round of auditions for Les Misérables are dancing even though Les Misérables does not have much dance in it, but the casting directors wanted the auditionees to demonstrate that they are skilled and confident in all areas. If you are nervous and are considering not auditioning for KLDC Sixth because of this, please do get in touch with us. We do not want anyone to miss out on the chance of joining us because of nerves or self-doubt. After all, we will spend the next two years training you in all areas and building up your confidence. Our team are here to support you, please do get in touch.
  • Do you cater for actors?
    Yes! We have well established acting tutors who will work with you to build on your talent and prepare you for drama school. However, you will also develop your dancing and singing skills too as it is important that you become a triple threat. Don’t worry if you have no experience in singing or dancing yet, we will teach you.
  • Why would I pay to come to you when I could study Performing Arts Level 3 Extended Diploma at another College for free?
    We are very lucky in our area to have outstanding Sixth Forms and Colleges however, what we are offering is different. Yes, we offer the Level 3, but we offer so much more. At KLDC Sixth YOU WILL: * be taught by experienced and passionate qualified teachers and leading industry professionals in dance, acting, musical theatre and voice. * be immersed in the Performing Arts and train at Foundation level like you would at college. * be part of a cohort with others who are like minded and share your passions and dreams. * receive an education that is tailored to your needs to support you in pursuing a future in the industry. * have access to visiting choreographers, actors, directors and representatives from some of the best dance and drama colleges in the country. * attend leading dance, acting and musical theatre companies, conventions and competitions to take part and showcase your talent where possible. * perform in regular showcases. * be supported to build your professional profile including headshots, show reels, social media etc. * gain KLDC representation in your second year, subject to the successful completion of Year 1. * have tailored Learning Support to ensure that you can access the curriculum. * have access to coaching sessions, anxiety and stress management sessions and mental health and wellbeing support as you grow your resilience and self-confidence. * be expected to train hard, study hard and give everything you have to your future. It will be full on, but very rewarding!
  • Do you offer boarding / accommodation?
    We currently do not offer accommodation. A requirement of entry to the course is that you live within a commutable distance. However, there are local families known to KLDC who would be happy to act as host families for KLDC Sixth students. Any arrangement would need to be made directly between the KLDC Sixth student guardians and the host family. Unfortunately, KLDC Sixth cannot act as an intermediary.
  • My parents say I shouldn’t only study Performing Arts as I need a back-up plan if I’m not good enough.
    Having a back-up plan is always a good plan! However, we often find that the back-up plan becomes the only plan. If you are passionate about Performing Arts and want to pursue training and a career in the industry, then you should do everything you can to achieve that goal. The industry is competitive, but we believe that two years of training and study at KLDC Sixth will give you the best possible chance of success.
  • My parents say I need to do A Levels and not a Level 3 Extended Diploma
    A Levels are solid qualifications and for some subjects they are currently regarded as the best route of study. However, for drama and dance, we believe that the more practical and vocational route that the Level 3 Extended Diploma offers is better suited to those who wish to pursue further training and a career in the industry.
  • If I study the 3 Extended Diploma in Performing Arts, will I get UCAS points?
    Yes, the Level 3 Extended Diploma is equivalent to studying 3 A Levels and therefore, you will be awarded the equivalent UCAS points (depending on your final grade). Those UCAS points can then gain you access to Performing Arts Degree courses at dance and drama colleges and university. (If you have a specific university course in mind, always check the entry requirements before signing up to this or any other course.)
  • Why are you offering Marketing?
    Talent, dedication and hard work is essential for success in the Performing Arts industry however, if you are not able to market and sell yourself successfully you will be greatly disadvantaged. We want to ensure that you have as many tools as possible for success.
  • Do you offer financial assistance with fees?
    We do not want anyone who is talented to miss out on KLDC Sixth training because they are not able to afford it. Financial assistance can be allocated upon completion of the financial assistance application form and following a successful audition. Please contact us for more information.
  • What facilities do you have?
    We have two large studios and a smaller studio as well as a classroom, common room and kitchen.
  • Do you have a uniform?
    It is important that appropriate clothing is worn for training. Our uniform consists of a branded t-shirt, tracksuit and dance attire. All details will be provided upon acceptance of a place.
  • As a parent, how will you communicate with me about my child’s progress?
    We will communicate with you in much the same way your child’s school does. We will let you know about their progress, host parents’ evenings, and let you know if there are any concerns. Given the intimate nature of our college, we hope that the communication between us will be two way, feel natural and be frequent.
  • What are your term dates?
    We aim to keep in line with both Surrey and Hampshire school holidays however, due to the intensive nature of the course, our term dates are slightly shorter and fall in line with those of independent schools. Please see the ‘info’ page for term dates.
  • How many places do you have on the course?
    We have a maximum of 30 places available each year. It is really important to us that we get to know each of our students, and their families, well. Having relatively small numbers ensures that we can do this and keep the level of training specifically tailored to your individual needs.
  • I am worried I won’t make friends.
    We prioritise kindness and building self-esteem and confidence. We know it can be a challenge to make new friends, but you will be in a positive environment with others who share your passion and dreams, so you will find that you already have lots in common with your fellow classmates. As you will all be hoping to gain places to dance or drama college, the friends you make at KLDC Sixth will probably be the people you end up at college with!
  • Where are you based? Are there any transport links?
    We are based on the outskirts of Farnham and 2 miles from Farnham train station and our studios have plenty of free parking. Once we know the travel needs of our students, we hope to run a pickup and drop off service to Farnham train station if required.
  • What are the timings of a typical day?
    Our day will start at 9.30am and finish at 4.00pm. Timetables will be written in due course and we anticipate that students will have study periods where they can choose to leave site if they wish.
  • Do you have catering on site?
    As a small college we do not have catering on site. However, students will have a kitchen with fridge, microwave, air fryer, toaster, kettle and toastie maker that will be available for them to use daily. We will also promote and encourage a healthy, balanced diet to ensure that students are eating the right types of food to sustain training.
  • Will you support my learning needs?
    Yes, supporting you to do the best that you can is so important to us. We have a highly skilled team who are experienced in supporting students with learning needs. Our smaller class sizes ensure that you will get support that is tailored to you.
  • Is this anything to do with Kahli Lewis Dance Company?
    KLDC Sixth is a stand-alone Performing Arts school however, as Kahli is the Principal of both, there is a natural link, but that is where the similarities end.
  • I attend a different dance or drama school, can I still join KLDC Sixth?
    Of course! Attending KLDC Sixth is the equivalent to attending a Sixth Form College with the classes running during the day in term time. Attending KLDC Sixth will not prevent you from attending your usual dance or drama school in the evenings, weekends and school holidays. If you are worried about this, please do get in touch with us and we can talk this through with you.
  • My parents say I can’t join KLDC Sixth because it is too new.
    KLDC Sixth is new, but our faculty are made up of experienced educationalists and professionals. On our staff we have tutors who have years of experience of teaching BTEC and A Level Performing Arts and Business, tutors who have taught the degree courses in the best dance and drama colleges around the world and tutors who are highly regarded and leading industry professionals.
  • I’m no good at dance, is it worth me coming?
    Absolutely. Many of the students who are signed up to come to KLDC Sixth are only dancers and have no experience in acting or singing, in fact many of them have asked the same question about acting and singing. If you have a passion and talent for acting or singing but no experience of dance, please don’t worry, we will work with you to give you the confidence and training to be able to dance.


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